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30 September, 2011

Brazil 3 x Mastery event

Zynga give us a chance to finish Brazil before they launch new Districts in Chicago.BRAZIL3XMASTERY

Many players completed Brazil so this event will not help Them :allcompleted

but many Mafia players which got  low amount of Energy will be happy to see this event.This Event will end at 4th Oct  So complete Brazil to get all the mastery Items.

HAPPY GAMING……………………….

Rob In Chicago

The Robbing is active in Chicago for all players.As you all know is only one property in Chicago which gives Clams that is Truck Shop for now you are only able to rob Truck shop.

It will cost you stamina as your Chicago crew active or inactive


when you Chicago crew is inactive then you will be able to rob a Truck Shop with 5 stamina points


When your Scout and Arsonist are active.members

You will have to spent 10 stamina point to rob one Truck Shop for only 3 Robbing boards


Anyway now you can complete tasks which requires rob in Chicago and also you can get Clams if required .


Collector's Edition Item: Snakewhipper

Today’s Collector's Edition item is the Snakewhipper. snakewhipper1

The Snakewhipper comes with +4 Defense Points so it costs 46 Reward Points instead of the standard 35.snakewhipper2

If you miss this round of 2,000, there will be 5,000 more at 9am Zynga Time.


Group Sale Failed Again

Another group sale failed like previous two Items ,This one was Graffiti Belt Pants and it never managed to reach Ruby level .


there was 1736 Items left until the timer runs out.I think Zynga needs to rethink about these sales because there are many things going around and no one bothered to see these Items in sale except some collector’s.I hope you didn’t spent your RP’s in this Loot Item.


Mafia Wars 3 Year Anniversary Gift #7

Today's gift for Mafia Wars 3 Years Anniversary Celebration is a Bartender with the stats 90A 46D.


The Henchmen Loot drop event is expired so it’s great to get one Henchmen as a free gift.


29 September, 2011

The Biker Clubhouse

The new Limited Time Upgrade Property is called the Biker Clubhouse.You will get a total of 7 days to upgrade this property.bikerclubhouse The 3 building parts we need to beg for are Plaster, Cordless Drills and Reciprocating Saws. partsneeded You can use the Mission Crew Link Spocklet to generate your request link. Click on "Any Part".Publish your link to wall and wait for the parts to come in.begginglinkThe 10 items you unlock and can craft as you gain levels are shown below. The Front Door offers +4 Defense and is available on levels 7-10.We can make a Tail Gunner, Mamacita or a Front Door. The Mamacita offers +3 Energy and the Front Door offers +4 Defense.Tail Gunner1Mamacita1Front Door1 HAPPY GAMING………..

New Chicago Districts Coming Soon

If you have noticed the progress bar for the Chicago is reset to 60% for me;this indicates that more Chicago Districts will be soon available.newchicagodistricts1As you all know In Chicago there are only 3 Districts available so it is Possible they will release two or more Districts soon. I am Done with all three Districts.donethreedistrictsPlease let me know if you have same progress bar at 60%.


Group Sale Item: Graffiti Belt Pants

The Group sale Item Graffiti Belt Pants is now on sale the previous 2 Items were never reached to Ruby level so Don’t waste your Reward Points.groupsale1

If you wanted to spend your RP’s then spent your Reward Points on Henchmen which are on sale for 9 Reward Points each.



Mafia Wars 3 Years Anniversary Gift#6

Today's Mafia Wars 3 year anniversary gift is a Pair of Pet Tigers.gift_6

There is also a offer in which they are giving us  60% off in purchasing of Reward Points .If you like to purchase RP’s then this is the time to do it.


The stats of Pair of Pet Tigers aren’t very good but If you are  a collector, I'm sure you will appreciate it..pettigers


28 September, 2011

Security Certificate / Display Issues Customer Support Page


Updated 09/28/2011 at 18:21

We have reports from several players that they are receiving a pop-up regarding security certificate information.  This is due to an update that we are currently making and this will be resolved shortly. 
There is not any action that we recommend at this time, but the issue is being promptly addressed.
We apologize for any interruption to your game-play and the inconvenience of this issue, but we will have everything updated and running smoothly as quickly as possible.
Thank you again for your patience!
The Mafia Wars Team.

Customer Support posted the above article after many players started to get the image below.


For Updates go HERE.


New Special Event Items

There are 5 new Items were added in our inventory which will be the part of special event


maybe they belong to some kind of mission as loot drops or award for completing any task because the stats aren’t good.Here is the closer look of all items:

Impossible Odds Sea Scale Armor Serenity Pistol Street Panth Waspguard


Best Defensive Henchmen

I wasn’t noticed before but if you finished the Special Delivery Mission then you will notice that the Grand Prize of this mission Lounge Singer is your best Defensive Henchmen.bestdefensechanged

Lounge Singerloungesinger

It will soon replace by some ruby mastery item because there are 5 Chicago Districts yet to be released.


How To See Your Mafia Wars Posts

Many Mafia Players wondering how to find Mafia wars news feed as I'm sure you have noticed that Facebook changed everything around and Mafia Wars posts are not that easy to find in your news feeds anymore.I found a link while surfing on the net . Click on it and you will be happy to see the only thing in your news feeds will be Mafia Wars Posts. Bookmark it for future use and you will never have to go on a Mafia Wars news feed post safari again.


HAPPY GAMING……………………..

40% Off Marketplace Sale

There is a Marketplace Sale going on in which you can get 40% off on all Items.If you like to purchase Items then you should probably check this sale Items.


I only buy refills so I am pretty happy to see energy refill at 7 RP .sale




Mafia Wars 3 Years Anniversary Gift#5

Today's Gift by Zynga in celebration of 3 years of Mafia Wars is a Getaway Cruiser with the stats of 61A83D.Its better than the crappy loot items they offered before.gift4


27 September, 2011

Giftable Items Increased

As Promised in the This & Next Week - 9/23/2011 Zynga made a total of 426 Items Giftable.

The Official Mafia Wars Blog let us know about the blog post state:-


We are happy to announce that we have heard your feedback and have increased the level of loot that you can gift! We’ve added 20 levels of awesome items, increasing the ceiling from 65 to 85! Making 426 more items giftable is something we’re excited to do as part of Mafia Wars’ 3-Year Anniversary Celebration! Now's a great time to dig into your inventory and share the loot!

- The Mafia Wars Team

All items in your inventory with stats of 85/85 and lower are now giftable. Below is the complete list of all 426 items that just became giftable.

giftable1 giftable2 giftable3 giftable4 giftable5 giftable6 giftable7 giftable8 giftable9 giftable10 giftable11

giftaable12 giftabl6