Lijit Ad Wijit



16 August, 2011

Family Manager

There is a new Spocklet in town that will help you monitor your family progression.

Like the Mafia Manager, this script will take snapshots of your family's stats and you can compare them to later snapshots.
Find the Spocklet on the
Beta Spockholm page. It is called Family Manager.

Drag it to your bookmarklet-bar as usuall and run it on a unframed MW page. After the first run you'll see something like this:

Now click on the "Load Family" button to load your first snapshot. This will, depending on your connection and family size, take 1-3 minutes to complete.
After you create your first snapshot, click in "family" and you can browse your family and sort by different stats.

Your own name will be highlighted in red, so you can compare yourself easily to others. (Names in the screenshot are removed, but the list is from the Spock family.)
If you come back after some time, i.e. the next day, and create a new snapshot, you'll be able to see changes in the stats.

The snapshots are sorted by date with the oldest first, so if you want to compare your newest snapshot with the oldest, you have to click on "Compare with latest" at the uppermost snapshot.

You will then see a list of all the changes that you can sort by different categories or by the sum of all fields to easily filter our slackers. Your own name will be once again highlighted in red.


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